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14th October 2023
solar plexus
chakra workshop

The focus of this workshop was the solar plexus chakra.


It is the third in the series of chakra yoga workshops with Maura.


The solar plexus is the third of the seven main chakras, located above the navel. It represents the centre of our personal power. Physically, this chakra governs our digestive system. It is linked with the colour yellow and the element of fire.

When the solar plexus chakra is strong, we feel confident, focused and positive.


The morning began with a whole body chakra balancing yoga practice, with carefully chosen yoga postures to align each of the seven main chakras.


We, then explored how face yoga techniques can benefit and balance the chakras.


The second half of the morning focused of the solar plexus chakra, with a meditation and a heat building yoga practice with poses and breathing practices to stimulate our internal fire.


We completed the morning with a relaxing yoga Nidra to allow the benefits of the morning to be absorbed!






1st APRil 2023



In this, the second, in a series of workshops with Maura, we continued to explore the chakra system.


The focus of this workshop was the sacral chakra, our centre of emotions and creativity.

The second chakra is located below the navel and the element is water. Physically, the sacral chakra governs the reproductive system, the lower back and hips. 

We started the morning with a whole body, chakra balancing yoga practice to energise the body. 


After the practice of alternate nostril breathing and a sacral focused visualisation/meditation we practiced, a hip opening yoga sequence to stimulate and open the sacral chakra. The day drew to a close with a deeply relaxing yoga Nidra.


Participants may like to explore the workshops as a series, or simply attend any workshop, with no prerequisite. The workshops are suitable for all levels and abilities.


A great way to promote balance in a chakra is to create alignment in your physical body through:

  • yoga postures

  • breathing practices to encourage the flow of energy

  • meditation to bring about clarity of mind

4th MarCH 2023



This was re-run of the first  workshop, focusing on the Root Chakra. 


When the Root Chakra is balanced,  we feel grounded, secure, and safe.


Again, we practiced a balancing chakra yoga sequence, consisting of yoga postures and breathing techniques to bring emotional stability and resilience to the whole body.


We experienced a guided meditation to balance the Chakras. 


We enjoyed a root chakra flow, focusing on postures to bring a sense of grounding, stability and calm. 

We explored yoga postures and breathing techniques to bring emotional stability and resilience, which, not only worked the physical body, but, played an important part in distributing energy around the subtle body, promoting energy flow and focus.


28th JANuary 2023


The first workshop focus was the Root Chakra. 


When the Root Chakra is balanced,  we feel grounded, secure, and safe.

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, the element is earth and it is represented by the colour red. Physically, the root chakra governs our legs, feet, bones and large intestine.


We practiced a balancing and grounding chakra yoga sequence, consisting of yoga postures and breathing techniques to bring emotional stability and resilience to the whole body.


We experienced a guided meditation to balance the Chakras. 


We enjoyed a root chakra flow, focusing on postures to bring a sense of grounding, stability and calm. 

We explored yoga postures and breathing techniques to bring emotional stability and resilience, which, not only worked the physical body, but, played an important part in distributing energy around the subtle body, promoting energy flow and focus.

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